What we Offer

We redefine musculoskeletal healthcare with patient-centered and exercise-focused treatments. Helping you recover from injury and getting you back to doing what you love through manual therapy, education, and clinician-guided strength programs.

Chiropractic Care

We can work with you through various types of injuries:

  • Acute (ex: ankle sprain, strained muscle, herniated disc)
  • Nagging (ex: runners knee, tennis elbow, tight postural muscles)
  • Reoccurring (ex: shin splints, rotator cuff strain, plantar fasciitis)

The techniques we use include active and instrument-assisted myofascial release, cupping, manual adjustments and mobilizations, assisted stretching, and corrective exercises.

Clinician Guided Strength Training

Confidence in returning to activity after an injury can be challenging for various reasons. Often, it’s difficult to replicate the demands of that activity in a clinical setting and patients are typically discharged from clinicians once pain levels have diminished or range of motion has been restored. However, the confidence and resilience may still be lacking. At Catalyst, we offer the gym space and equipment necessary to replicate those demands. We also provide the guidance and expertise needed needed to break through that ‘gray area’ between rehab and performance.

Virtual Chiropractic Care

Our virtual sessions ensure access to expert advice, exercises, ergonomic recommendations and self-care tips. They offer all the benefits of chiropractic care, even when you’re busy or on the road.

Virtual Clinician Guided Strength Training

These are live, one-on-one video training sessions. You can be in the comfort of your own home gym, receiving accountability and live coaching cues as you work towards your strength and performance goals.

Virtual Strength Programming

This option is ideal for individuals who require less assistance with accountability and technique, have access to a gym, and simply want an expert to build a program for them to execute.

Small Group Exercise Classes

These sessions foster a sense of community while delivering high-quality, individualized coaching to help you reach your performance goals. For example, we love getting small groups of running buddies, golf enthusiasts, or new moms together and working towards their goals.


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